Sunday, 29 August 2010

Goddess Star Monroe.

I am Goddess Star Monroe - the womans' lifestyle and fitness expert.  I adore working with women, it is my mission here on earth to inspire and educate women everywhere to be the best they can be and learn to love who they really are.  Through my spirited, fun & sexy instruction - including pole, burlesque, pilates, belly dancing and hula hooping women can discover fun and flirty ways to move and enjoy their bodies.  I also run one day sexy fitness events in Sept and April and twice yearly I host a glamorous sexy kinda of variety evening called "Glamour".  I am also putting together the final stages to my 14 week body transformation program "Sexy Curves" with my first lifestyle and fitness DVD due out Spring 2011.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

I proudly present to you........

My Inspire & Mentor Coaching Program

This has been 2 years in the making gorgeous ones, lots of research, some fabulous guinea pigs to test my theories out on and hey they all got the results they were looking for and then some!!  My baby is born.........  I am super proud, super happy that my coaching program is here.  Here to help you move on in life and rock it out like only the true you can!!!!!

Inspire & Mentor
Intuitive life changing advice from wise ol me!  I get in and I get out fast baby!!  Im an explorer of your mind, call me a female Moses, I part the waves of your confused, stuck mind, step right up and right in to help you move forward and obtain totally clarity and ownership of what, who and how you really want to do and have you in your life. 
I love working with weight/body issues, relationships and love, career and money - that does kinda of look like everything! If you are ready to hear the truth and nothing but the truth then Im your Goddess!
Inspire & Mentor is ideal if you desire outstanding RESULTS in your mind, body and life but just dont know how to go about changing.   I myself have overcome many obstacles in my life and at 39 I have never looked or felt so good as I do right now.   I am straight talking, wise, compassionate and am a fountain of knowledge helping women all over rock out their most sensational bodies and lives. 
Please email or call for an initial pow wow, where we will see what I can do for you.           

Initial Inspire & Mentor session £250.00 (concessions are available).  
 A 90 - 120 minute private advisory session with myself that will set you free and on your way to greatness!!!
Follow up sessions £100.00.
A 60 minute advisory session for when you need a little push every now and then.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

A modern day Goddess.

A modern day Goddess knows who she is and want she wants. She is in complete control of her life and through her dedication and commitment she lives her passions and achieves her goals.   A modern day Goddess is beautiful, inside and out, she takes pride in her appearance and it shows.  When she walks into a room she has the power to turn heads but she remains mysterious enough to captivate her audience.  A modern day Goddess is spirited, fun and sexy and she wants to share that with everyone xxxxx

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Goddess Star Monroe. Sexy Curves. Week 5

Get your fabulously, sensational body here........

I try not to watch too much television as when I sit down in front of her the one eyed goddess draws me and never lets me go.  So I limit myself to only watching 15 mins max then I have to walk away.  This morning a random channel was on showing infomercials - my fave!! I love them, so full of crap and bulls*** promising you all sorts of wondrous changes to your body in only 6 mins or less a day.    In 10 mins I watched open mouthed watching an ab trainer promising the demise of your love handles and a weight that shakes that promises the end of your bingo wings and in return amazingly shapely arms that even Madonna would be jealous of.    I mean REALLY, do they really expect us to buy into this and buy these products??  We are bombarded with products on a daily basis from exercising fit flops to fitballs that promise fabulous posture and if you are not careful you will get sucked in, spend a fortune and wonder why you never get the results the product promised.

With over 20 years experience of working with women in the health and fitness industry I pride myself on being a crusader of the truth for women everywhere and I feel its my duty to inform women everywhere that a fabulously sensational body only comes from hard work, dedication and commitment.  No fad diets, exercise routines or exercise products are ever going to change your body.  Women everywhere need to start taking full responsibility and ownership of themselves, commit to taking charge of their lives and their bodies and then be dedicated to doing their utmost best every single day of their lives.

Small changes bring big results, we cannot expect to drop 14lbs ++ instantly, to tone up our bodies by doing 6 mins of exercise a day.  But by instilling positive habits that you can do daily will help you on your way to a fabulously sensational body.  Rome wasnt built in a day but it was built and so shall your healthy, vibrant body.  Start looking at what you put into your mouth - are you eating because you are hungry or eating out of habit? 80% of all weight loss is down to what we eat.   Are you moving daily? if not, just start walking.  Are you being kind to yourself or do you put yourself down? reframe and switch how you talk to yourself - always big up the positives and celebrate every tiny little thing that you do that moves you forward to taking care of yourself a little bit more everyday.  Trust me this helps magnificently.

Women everywhere - there is no magic cure, no magic potion, no magic pill, no magic product BUT there is a MAGIC YOU!! You know your body like no one else does, deep down you know what serves you and what doesnt, you know when you are eating when you are hungry and when you are not, you know if you are moving enough or you are just being lazy.  Sometimes we just need a little push in the right direction.   Use me as your catalyst to making major changes to your life and your body I am here right via email to answer all of your questions.  I am also 5 weeks into my 12 week body transformation program "Sexy Curves" that will give you down to earth advice and guidance on how to transform your body and your life.

Keep in touch with me and remember you are in charge of your life, only you can change it to get your fabulously, sensational body.


Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Rules are meant to broken......(arent they?)

I never conform, I never do as Im told, I always go against the grain, if someone tells me to do something I do the complete opposite, if there is a rule then I am there to break it, I dont follow I tend to lead and if I go alone or if people come with me Im just as happy.  Being this way has admittedly got me into a lot of trouble over my years but I have also had the most immense fun too.  Its liberating to do what I want, to go with what my gut instincts tell me to do, to fly in the face of what everyone else is doing and do it my way, it can be damn right scary too, it pushes my buttons and it gets me to face my fears and do it anyway.

So I began wondering why am I like this.  As a child I was angelic, I was quiet, shy, very withdrawn, wouldnt say boo to a goose, did as I was told, lived in fear of my mother and father, never crossed the line for many of my earlier years.  I was brought up in a strict household, my mother ruled the roof, you darent cross her, she was ferocious.  I wasnt allowed to say certain words, I remember I wasnt allowed to say liar, swearing was out of the question, smoking was forbidden (at 13 I used to smoke herbal cigarettes out of my bedroom window - till my little sister caught me and bribed me!!), no elbows on the table when eating, no leaving the table if any food was left on my plate (thats another whole issue right there!!), no slouching, no chewing gum, no this, no that!! bleurgh!!!! Goddamit no wonder I rebelled as soon as I could.  At 16 enough was enough I flew the nest, found drink and I was outta of there, or so I thought!!  I have vague recollections of my mother dragging me out of nightclubs and telling all of the bouncers in my home town never to let this girl in ever again as I was only 16!!! She ruined my sweet 16 social life, but I can giggle about it now!!  I also paved the way for my siblings, I dont think that they ever got into as much trouble as I did.

So flip this scenario around to right now and I am a mother myself to George who is nearly 11.  I am bringing up my child completely differently, I treat him like an adult, he can choose what to do but he also has to deal with the consequences if there are any.  I am much more liberal than my mother ever way and only time will tell how George will mature into a young adult.

But I must admit my mother did her best and maybe if she hadnt been that way then I wouldnt have turned out into such the rebel that I am today.  So for that I have to thank my mother and I do definitely agree that rules are meant to be broken as Mae West said beautifully "if you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun".

Monday, 2 August 2010

Welcome to my Sexy, Curvy & Fit program

I want to keep you updated with my progress on my Sexy, Curvy & Fit 12 week body transformation program...... I am here for your viewing pleasure.
