Friday, 24 September 2010

Ill be happy when I lose that last 10lbs........

Yeah, yeah!! My god if I hear one more woman say that to me again Im going to chop her head off.  There you go - 10 lbs gone - just like that!! Now how do you feel????

Honestly the amount of women that I encounter on a daily basis who put their happiness and lives on hold because of their "extra" weight they perceive they are carrying.

Why not be happy now, right now in this very moment, embrace everything about you.  Go on - I dare you, strip off your clothes and stand in front of a full length mirror and take a good long hard look at your body.  Really look, look intently at who you are and how you are made up.  This body of yours does a good job, no wait, it does a grand job, it carries you around every single day.  It gets you out of bed in the morning, it gets to work, its takes you to the pub, health club in the evening, it enables you to play with your kids, it helps you run for the train, it does everything you ask of it.  But maybe thats the problem your asking your body the wrong questions, your not telling exactly what you want it to do and then you get pissed off when it doesnt look the way you want it to.

When I work with my clients I suggest to them that they start by accepting and honoring who and what they are.  I encourage my clients to ask the questions why they are the way they are.  If they are unhappy with their size then why are they this size, what has driven them to be this size.  If the answers are that they are overeating, under exercising then they need to address this and a simple tip of the balance will result in weight loss.  What my clients have got to understand as well is that as women we store more fat, we are designed that way, fat is womanly, it gives us curves, it enables us to reproduce and it is essentially what makes us women.

Another scenario that I encounter is that when women have been trying to lose weight for a long time they normally have plateaued.  So when I suggest to them that they may be at their natural weight I normally get a fierce reaction from them.  Yes any woman can be lean, she can reduce her fat levels right down, but at what cost, normally periods disappear and these women are depriving themselves of food on a daily basis which normally results in them being more obsessed with food than when they started.  Their moods start to plummet, their sex drive disappears and even though they are leaner than ever their self esteem takes a nose dive.  Sounds great doesn't it - and most of my clients have to understand that if they do want to lose that last 5 - 10lbs then major deprivation is on the cards.

We are a nation that compares ourselves to everyone else.  If I can suggest just one thing - that is to honor who you are, realise that you are unique, you are very special and there is no one else like you.  What works for one woman doesn't mean that it will work for you.  We need to take care of ourselves, honor who we are, cherish our bodies and vow to always do the best we can each and every single day of our lives.  We want to live a long, healthy, vibrant and bountiful life full of sexy energy and I guarantee that if you are living a life deprived of food you are not going to feel this way.

There is so much to do in life, to feel, to learn, to experience and when we take away our obsession with being slim, lean, skinny, smaller we are freed up totally so we can live out our lifes full potential.

Life + Awareness - Guilt = One happy Goddess

Guilt - a useless emotion, an emotion that sneaks up on us when we aren't looking, an emotion that takes us on a roller coaster of a journey, an emotion that when not checked and reigned back in can overrule us and permeate every second of our gorgeous lives.

How often do you feel guilty and why do you feel guilty? My goddess mojo that I live by is "Do the best I can every day, whilst loving who I really am".  

Somedays this means that I get up, get dressed, put a smile on - even if I dont feel like it, grab a coffee, watch a little trashy tv, eat some chocolate and just mosey on through my day and somedays this means that I spring out of bed, slide into my trainers, whizz round the park, pump some heavy weights, eat healthful, gorgeous food that Ive prepared, be a dynamo in the office and a goddess whilst teaching. 

Im a high achiever, every day I want to conquer the world, I want to cross off all the items off my to do list, I want to end the day feeling euphoric that I have done the best I can.  Sometimes I get so wrapped up in achieving that I forget to live,  to fully appreciate each moment of my day.  I forget to be grateful and I forgot just to be.   Im all about being aware, being aware in my mind, my body and my soul and sometimes things happen, that are way out of my control that remind me to slow down, relax, breath and to just be.

Take for instance this past month - Ive been training super hard, eating great and working hard in and on my business.  My body started to ache about 2 weeks ago and I started to feel tired but I carried on regardless thinking that this would pass, then last week I got toothache and this week it got worse and a quick trip to the dentist and one of my wisdom teeth was whipped out resulting in me being floored, out for the count, enough is enough this Goddess needed her rest!  and rest I did, Ive slept, chilled out, taken time out from the gym, eaten what I wanted, when I wanted.  That sneaky guilty feeling kept trying to edge its way into my day and life but I gave it the goddess heave ho and you know what?  I feel good, I love me and Im on the mend, my body feels ok, Im looking less hamster like from the tooth extraction and Im ready to go back into my life at a gentler goddess pace.

Sometimes we just need a rest, we just need some time out from our daily routine to stop and smell the roses and we need to do this without that five letter word called guilt.  Life carries on regardless whether we are in it or out of it so its all about my Goddess formula...... Life + Awareness - Guilt = One happy Goddess.  Try it and see if it works for you xxxxxx

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Life in the Goddess Lane.....

Many things have happened recently, I am swamped with work, enrolling all my lovely clients on GSMs autumn sessions, I am preparing for the photo shoot for GSMs pocket pole manual and Im reshuffling my finances after taking a long hard look at them at the end of this summer and vowing that I would always have more than enough money  to do everything that I desire to do.  Add to that a couple of frissons with a local pole dancing school and a so called professional photographer that completely let me down at the last minute and out of the blue contact from two of my past lovers!  If thats not enough to stir a Goddess up, I dont know what can!!!!

Things happen for a reason and as the saying goes what doesnt kill you makes you stronger and I know that what ever I focus on I will get or conversely will get me so in all the above I have risen above, stood by my high goddess standards and forged ahead, always moving forwards, moving upwards and breaking new ground. I have to remember that I have a dream and that dream will only be mine if I keep my eye on the prize and play full out to achieve it.

I am also in week 9 of my GSM "Sexy Curves" program.  The change of seasons is making a big impact on my choice of foods and my energy and its good to remember to go with the flow, my weight has remained static for the past two weeks but my body is looking good, I am leaner, more toned and much stronger in the gym and on the pole (which I LOVE).  I will never underestimate that women love to be and feel strong, I correlate that when my body feels strong my mind feels strong too.  I am slowly changing my food choices to correspond with the autumn, out goes the salads and cold foods and in comes sweetcorn, sweet potato, squash, vegetable stir frys and yummy omlettes.  This change for me excites me and keeps me motivated to continue forwards on my GSM "Sexy Curves" program - and remember I am doing all the ground work so that you dont have to - this program is making its debut Spring/Summer 2011.


Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Sexy Body Day

Praise for GSM Inspire & Mentor

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Its going to be an awesome Autumn......

Somethings afoot, somethings different, I can feel it, I can smell it, its a sensation that is so evocative, so seductive, its magnetic and its drawing me in and I just cant help myself Im falling, Im letting myself go, releasing, enveloping and enjoying the ride.  Life is about to change and boy! am I ready for it.  Autumn is here, here in its gentle unfolding abundance.  Autumn is one of my favorite seasons and having spent most of this year stepping back and chilling I am noticing this change of season even more.

Ive been and still am in full on creating mode, this is a different place for me - normally I am like a trojan horse - just ploughing forward and working, working working but as I entered into this year I had the desire to slow down, to stop, to smell the roses - no longer happy to just be in the moment I wanted to now create each moment!   And you know what - its done me the world of good.  Slowing down has given me the opportunity to notice my life, Ive noticed the days, the mornings, the evenings, my moods, my smiles, my tears, my child growing into a young man over the summer, Ive had time to spend with my good, good friends, Ive made mistakes, Ive taken 10 steps forward, 10 steps back, gone round in circles, explored new avenues, new opportunities and have come full circle back to where I belong.

I am ready to evolve now - I can feel it - its in my bones, in my soul and in my heart.  My passion, my determination and my dreams are ready to unfold.   I feel stronger, lighter, more in charge of my life than I ever have, I feel that I am evolving into this magnificent woman, I am merging with my name - Goddess Star Monroe - I feel like a Goddess, I feel like I can take on the world and win.   I am ready to take my life, my body, my mind, my soul and my business to another level.

So Autumn I welcome you with open arms, I embrace the changes and I am ready for the challenges you send  me.  Miss Goddess Star Monroe is ready............

World watch out x