Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Its going to be an awesome Autumn......

Somethings afoot, somethings different, I can feel it, I can smell it, its a sensation that is so evocative, so seductive, its magnetic and its drawing me in and I just cant help myself Im falling, Im letting myself go, releasing, enveloping and enjoying the ride.  Life is about to change and boy! am I ready for it.  Autumn is here, here in its gentle unfolding abundance.  Autumn is one of my favorite seasons and having spent most of this year stepping back and chilling I am noticing this change of season even more.

Ive been and still am in full on creating mode, this is a different place for me - normally I am like a trojan horse - just ploughing forward and working, working working but as I entered into this year I had the desire to slow down, to stop, to smell the roses - no longer happy to just be in the moment I wanted to now create each moment!   And you know what - its done me the world of good.  Slowing down has given me the opportunity to notice my life, Ive noticed the days, the mornings, the evenings, my moods, my smiles, my tears, my child growing into a young man over the summer, Ive had time to spend with my good, good friends, Ive made mistakes, Ive taken 10 steps forward, 10 steps back, gone round in circles, explored new avenues, new opportunities and have come full circle back to where I belong.

I am ready to evolve now - I can feel it - its in my bones, in my soul and in my heart.  My passion, my determination and my dreams are ready to unfold.   I feel stronger, lighter, more in charge of my life than I ever have, I feel that I am evolving into this magnificent woman, I am merging with my name - Goddess Star Monroe - I feel like a Goddess, I feel like I can take on the world and win.   I am ready to take my life, my body, my mind, my soul and my business to another level.

So Autumn I welcome you with open arms, I embrace the changes and I am ready for the challenges you send  me.  Miss Goddess Star Monroe is ready............

World watch out x

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely wonderful!
    Fantastic blog post!
    Bring on Autumn. :)
