Sunday, 2 January 2011

Just in case you were tempted to do a vision board and set your intentions for 2011.

My handy guide to setting visions and intentions.

Go to your local craft centre and buy yourself the biggest canvas board you can find, buy your glitter, card and stickers too - (be aware - I always spend a vast fortune when I enter our local craft store!!!)
Decorate your board you way - use any colour, glitter, stickers ANYTHING that rocks your world.

Lets start with your vision first....
Trawl through the internet and magazines and print out/cut out all the images that resonate with you.  You dont need to know why but you may see a theme in there once you have collated all of your images.
For my vision board I collected over 50 images, I discarded some but most of them I kept.
I then stuck them around the edge of my board - you can stick them anywhere - you may want to put them into certain categories if that works for you.  I was completely random this year.

This year I asked myself what two words would carry me through the year - I chose persistence and playfulness - I then stuck those words right at the top of my board.  I feel that these words will most definitely help to mould my year into what I truly desire.

I prefer to use the term intentions - as it means I will deliberately set out to achieve.  I am an avid Tony Robbins fan and avidly listened to his planning audio program many times last year.  I have divided my life up into categories such as my, my son, my business, my money, my playtime, my relationships.  I then delve into each category and sit and muse about what I would like to achieve this year.  I type or write this out for each category then go ahead and stick those onto my board.

A liberal splash of glitter and stars and bobs your uncle my vision/intention board is done.

I put my vision board in a prime place that I will see everyday, you subconscious gets to work straight away with all those images in front of it.  Its like using the powerful tricks that the advertising moguls use to influence your mind - yet you are influencing it with what you want!! Smart eh??

I spend time EVERY MONTH to jump right back into my yearly goals, I break them down into smaller, easier steps that I can work and play on every month.  Please believe me that intentions and goals do come to us when we commit to take regular baby steps towards them.  This is my third year now goal setting and when I look back on my goals for 2009 most of them came to fruition in 2010 and I know that some of the goals I didnt achieve last year will happen this year.  Stay focused, have fun with this and let this be a game that you play to help you live the life of your dreams xxxxxxxx

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