Friday, 21 May 2010

Practical philosophy on thoughts.

Words we are surrounded by them, they are in our heads, they come out of our mouths we listen to them and we read them.  Words lead into thoughts and thoughts lead into actions.  How aware are you of the words you say to yourself on a daily basis?  Are you in control of your thoughts or are your thoughts in control of you?

The average person has over 50,000 thoughts a day and guess what up to 80% of these thoughts are negative and non serving!  So the first step we need to take is to become aware of our thoughts and the words we say to ourselves daily.  Whether or not you believe me YOU are in control of your thoughts.  Sometimes it doesn't feel like this but with a little practice everyday you can gain back the control over your mind and how it works.   Now personally I'm liking this,  it gives back the control to me and as a real woman when I'm in control of my life I can create the life I desire.

What I normally advise my lovely clients to do is to firstly become aware of the thoughts that enter their minds then to watch where they go and to see how fast their thought gather momentum.    It is well known that  what we think we will attract and I for one want to attract spectacular thoughts and actions into my life.

Here's an example....
Lets say you've just got out of bed, you feeling great, refreshed and ready for the day.   Then you catch your reflection in the mirror and a zillion thoughts just start flying through your mind about how big you look today, how wobbly your arms look and so on and so on.

So option one is to let those thoughts take hold of you and rest assured your subconscious mind (that's the part of the mind that rules us) will find everything in its power to validate your initial thought - your thoughts will race off and in no time at all you will be feeling like crap completely forgetting how wonderful you felt when you emerged from you bed only 5 minutes ago and you and I can both guess how your day will pan out from here.

Option two is you watch that initial thought enter your head, acknowledge it and don't entertain the thought anymore wise in the knowledge that before you looked in the mirror you did feel great.  Now this is where you need your full awareness and a little discipline.    Don't be scared of the word discipline its meaning is to teach - so you are teaching yourself new habits, habits that are going to serve you and make you feel great.

Option two is just another way to approach your thoughts and at first you may think "this is rubbish, I'm not doing this, its not going to work" and that's ok and remember you will be back to option one again.  I know which choice I prefer.

So today's practical philosophy is all about starting to become aware of your thoughts.  With practice you will be in control of those naughty and negative thoughts and in time you can turn them into beautiful and positive thoughts.  The process is simple but does require work on your part.   I personally have trained myself over the past 2 years to change my thought process and the results have just been amazing, sometimes I fall and let those negative thoughts take over me but I catch myself much quicker nowadays.

Part of being a real woman, being in love with myself is all about noticing and being in control of my thoughts.  Words and thoughts in your conscious and more importantly your subconscious mind lead to actions.  So be aware of your thoughts today - they are powerful things - use them wisely. x

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