Wednesday, 19 May 2010

A real woman is hard to find....

Or is she?  Beautiful creatures we are all real women deep inside and what happens deep inside is what really matters.  Its just that with our busy lives and schedules we have forgotten how to be a real woman.   Believe me, she is in there and she is passionate about being let out.

A real woman has inner strength, beautiful confidence and an air of exquisite sensuality that radiates from her.  Do you recognize any of these qualities in yourself?  

Inner Strength.
I have never met a woman who doesn't possess inner strength, maybe its something that women are born with but certainly through life we encounter so many character building experiences that we cannot help but build our inner strength from our first love, to our first fall out, new career, marriage, divorce, babies ... there is so much!  What tends to happen more is that we don't believe that we have the strength, we tend to focus on our failings and not our achievements and boy do we as women have many achievements.   Inner strength comes from our spirit, our passions, our beliefs and our knowledge. A real tip for you beautiful creatures... whatever you focus on you will attract into your mind and into your life.  So from today spend more time focusing on the positives and minimise your time spent on the negatives.

Beautiful confidence.
You notice women that have beautiful confidence, they radiate it from within and they are a joy to be around.  This type of confidence comes with practice, its a discipline and its something that all of us can learn.  I understand that life and events can sometimes knock our confidence and as women we are born nurturers and its only natural for us to focus on everyone elses needs but this inevitably doesn't help us or our confidence.  We need me time and this is neither self indulgent nor selfish it makes perfect sense. There many ways we can increase our self confidence.  One of the major ways to increase our self confidence is acceptance, full acceptance of who and what we are right here, right now.  We are a product of our own creation and learning to fully accept this in the moment and then committing to ourselves that we are doing the best we can we the resources we have can have a tremendous impact on our self confidence.  Just let this one sink in and sit with this idea for a while.

Inner sensuality.
Wow!! now here's the juicy one.  Whether or not you believe me we have innate sensual and feminine powers that are waiting to be discovered, this is what being a woman is all about.   This is not something that we are taught in schools and its not really something that we as women talk about as we tend to bond with our sisters more through our faults than our uniqueness and feminine skills.  Discovering your inner sensuality is a journey and its all about enjoying your body, learning the skill of flirting and really getting into touch with your feminine side.   Here's the science bit... when we harness this side of ourselves our production of the hormone oxytocin increases and this is a good thing as this is our feel good hormone and when we are happy everyone is happy!  So some ideas for you to try from today.... get a manicure/pedicure, sing out loud, play with a baby, spend time outdoors in the sun, help a friend out in need or shop for some sexy lingerie.

Remember you a real woman, you may not know that you are right now, but with my practical philosophies and secrets you will be able to find her.
Have an exquisite day x

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