Friday, 9 July 2010

My principles to follow for change.

Having just returned from the most amazing and immense training course I have experience for a very long time my head is swimming.  Swimming with thoughts and ideas.  If Im honest Im very excited I know that this is going to bring enormous change to my business and what I can offer to all my lovely clients.  Im a little scared too, change is change and I as much as the next person likes to stay in my comfort zone but I know for me to expand and evolve I need to walk through my comfort zone, feel the discomfort and get on with all the changes I need to make.  So thats where I am right now, I am committed to taking baby steps, going gently and smoothly, being consistent in my action plan to go where I desire to be.  

Whenever I am faced with enormous change there are steps that I always tend to take....

1. Take a breath, step back from it all and look at the big picture
2. Become clear on what, how and why I want what I want
3. Talk to my good friends about my ideas, let them see how they sound when I verbalise them
4. Categorize, ie separate work, home, body, mind
5. Work out the goals/passions for each one - starting at the ultimate goal
6. Work backwards from this goal, chunking down the goal into smaller bite sized pieces
7. Write up my goals, assess them, are they realistic, are they exciting, do I feel passionate about them?
8. Work every day towards achieving my goals, be gentle but firm with myself, Rome wasnt built in a
day, but it was built.
9. Realize that extraordinary results needs extraordinary effect.
10.Keep the faith, believe that I am worth this and keep my focus on the end result.

Feel free to use my change principles for anything you are trying to achieve.  Let me know how you get on, and Im here if you need any further advice or just fancy a chat xx

1 comment:

  1. thanks these steps helped me see things in perspective. I moved to a new country after marriage which means a major shakeup in career aspect as well and its sort of bogging me down.
