Thursday, 22 July 2010

Pilates Goddess

Ive been teaching pilates for over 11 years now.  Ive been in the fitness industry for over 20 and Pilates attracted me because of its clever and slick marketing ploy - promising you long sleek toned muscles using exotic and sexy looking equipment.  Wow, I was sold, sign me up to the next course and lets get going with achieving this fabulous body!!!  I did my training and then some more training and then some more, spent a fortune on kitting out my studio with the aforementioned exotic looking equipment and hey ho there I was one qualified pilates instructor.

I also loved pilates as I was always hot on technique with my PT clients and my group exercise classes, I couldnt understand why anyone would want to workout with crappy posture.  So it suited my mini hitleresque type teaching method keeping my clients in check whilst they dutifully performed all their  exercises.

If Im honest (and hey, Im always honest) Ive had a love/hate relationship with Pilates over the years, I have gone through a divorce, a drug addiction and various shitty relationships all of which I let impact my pilates business, but my clients stayed, they stuck with me and they obviously saw something in me that I didnt realize or even believe was there.  Throughout this time I was also looking for my long, sleek muscles, they never appeared (hell, how can they when I was in self destruct mode!!).

I have taught pilates in many different ways from the in depth intensive method to the generic go with the flow method and I have always got clients but not always got results.  But recently I met a wonderful woman, her name is Rebecca Leone and she is responsible for igniting my fire and inspiring me to new levels of Pilates wonderment that I only ever dreamt about.  She is my pilates mentor and I have had the opportunity of training with her for the past 2 years and had the pleasure of spending time in her amazing company in Las Vegas last December.  She has taught me the importance of spine health and that if we dont have great spine health, what do we have!! She has revolutionized my pilates teaching, I have a vision, a goal to empower and educate everyone that comes my way the importance of looking after their bodies from the inside out.

My teaching skills have transformed, I have transformed, my knowledge is amazing and I do consider myself a master Pilates instructor, in fact, my nickname is the Pilates Goddess.  This job is a challenge, it requires energy, compassion, intelligence and love on my part and when I mix all those ingredients up and stir in my eclectic client base the results are just pure magic.

I am transforming my clients lives through my pilates teachings, I am a straight talking Pilates Goddess, I deliver results, bodies that were once misaligned and in pain evolve into elegant, graceful beings.  I love the challenge of discovering how their bodies work, I have many theories of my own.  I believe that emotions not spoken get stored in the body, I believe that there is a whole mysterious connection between connective tissue and movement quality, I believe that when my clients put their mind to it they can achieve anything they damn well want to.

I believe in this method so much that I have taken on a apprentice, Goddessa Sarah London, she has also been trained with Ms Leone, so there is no longer just one of me, there are two and there is power in numbers.   I will mentor Sarah now to bring her up to my high standards of teaching and deliverance of excellent customer service.  We are ROCKING the world of Pilates, we are putting the FUN, the SPIRIT and the SEXINESS into PILATES, we are delivering the most outstanding classes and one to ones in the South east area, I have my eye on my own beautiful studio and this will come to me when I am ready.

And those long, sleek muscles, well they are here, as my attitude and approach changed so did the results.  My clients and I are looking great, we stand tall, walk with elegance, move with a sassy, sexy edge that only you can do when you have the confidence that your body is yours and you are in charge of it completely.  Pilates is here to stay and we are going make sure its FUN, SEXY and SPIRITED.

So its all here for the taking, why not drop a line and let me know how I can help you..........

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