Monday, 31 May 2010


What do children do?  They play, they learn, they explore, they are open to change, they have fun, they skip around, they laugh and giggle, they hop, skip, jump, climb, they make believe, they run around without a care in the world, they are free spirits, joyous, gorgeous cherubs of light that make us smile and bring joy to our very hearts.

What do adults do? We go about our day with our heads fuzzy with so many things to do, our shoulders hunched, heads down, brows furrowed, we snap, we get angry, we do as we are told scared to stand out in the crowd, we dont do the things we really want to do as we are so worried about what people will think about us, we get frustrated, our energy is expended on so many negatives, we think we have to talk a certain way, dress a certain way, we are so wrapped up in our own lives we forget the bigger pictures, we strive to be this fantasy idea of perfection, we compare ourselves to others and in this we forget that life is just meant to be fun and that we are here to play xxxxxxxx

Saturday, 29 May 2010

Hate is a pretty strong word....

I hate my thighs, they are so big, so chunky, look at them they don't look nice, they are horrible, they don't belong to me, they don't fit into anything in the shops, my thighs dont look like the models in magazines, there must be something wrong with me, I hate my thighs, I really do, I hate them, I hate them, I hate them, I wish I didn't have these thighs, I wish I had her thighs, her thighs are perfect, I want those thighs, oh why cant I have those thighs, what have I done to deserve these thighs, I hate my thighs


Wow, look at my thighs, I love that they are so strong, they are so wonderful, they carry me around,  they support me, I love the fact my thighs can take me for long walks outside, I love my thighs they have a delicious curve to them that makes them look so sensual, I love that my beautiful thighs can take me dancing, I can dance all night with my thighs if I wanted to, I love the uniqueness of my thighs, no one has thighs like mine, that makes me pretty special, I love the fact that my thighs are this shape, the shape of real woman's thighs, these are my thighs and I'm going to treat them with the respect they deserve, I love my thighs and I'm going to take great care of my thighs, I'm going to move them everyday and tell them how grateful I am of them, hey if I cant find anything to fit my beautiful shapely, curvy thighs I'm going to find a great dressmaker to make me some exquisite clothes that fit my thighs perfectly.  My thighs are just perfect, they are my thighs and I LOVE them.

Try it - this works with anything!  What you focus on you will attract and more importantly you will feel.    What are you going to focus on and feel today?

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Real Women ..... Take Time To Breathe

Life is busy, life is fast and if we are not careful it can whip us into a frenzy and take us flying away with it.

A Real Woman in today's world needs to stay grounded and connected to who she really is.  With practice this daily ritual (ooo! I love rituals!) will take you no more than 5 - 10 mins but will set you up for the day, and help to keep you focused and grounded.

1. Focus on the bigger picture - what is your dream?  Think about this every morning, hold it close to your heart and soul and believe that you moving towards your dream everyday.
2. Practice gratitude, think of at least 3 things you are grateful for and express your gratitude from your heart.
3. Breathe, deeply from your belly, take a couple of moments to be still with who you really are.

Sounds simple?  It is.  Now go do it!

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

A Real Woman takes great pleasure in her body and her beauty.

Whilst driving this morning a vision caught my eye.   It was a beautiful 3 year little dressed in a princess outfit.  How cute, how adorable, how feminine!! Even at 3 years old this little girl knew who she was and was proud to show the world.

We as women today have lost touch with who we really are.  We are feminine creatures through and through, its in our genes, its us, pure us.  We as women need to be proud of who we are and we need to take great pleasure in our bodies and our beauty.  Hey, we are all we've got, so we need to make the most of it and do the best we can!

There are no unbeautiful women in the world, only women who don't know that they are beautiful.  So start believing in your unique beauty right now!  Be proud to be you, be proud to be a woman.

Have a beautiful day xxx

Consistency over Intensity

How many times have you decided that enough is enough, that you need to change and you need to change fast.  Whether its your eating habits, exercise routine, career move, new partner, a new life even!

We live in a fast paced world promising us quick fix solutions to almost everything that we desire to change.  These are such tempting offers when we are feeling down and unhappy with our lot and most of will jump at the chance at trying one of these amazing offers to "fix" our problems, only to find us slip sliding our way back to our original ways in no time at all.

Whenever you see an offer or product that sounds too good to be true, guess what it is!  When we have had enough of where we are I suggest applying my formula from yesterday of WHAT, WHY and HOW to where you are now and then applying it to where you want to go.  This will get you really thinking about how and why you want to change and you will have so much more leverage to really obtain long lasting change.

A beautiful body, a fabulous career, an exquisite life partner or a spectacular life do not appear over night.  They all take time and effort on your part to work towards achieving these.  When you really find out all the reasons why you are here right now and all the reasons how to get to where you are only then can you devise an enchanting action plan to supercharge your life.

Once you have devised your enchanting action plan you will need to put into place small achievable goals that you can consistently work at.  This will build your self esteem and self worth and WOW you will start to feel pretty pleased with yourself and hey guess what, you will want to do more.  Rome wasn't built in a day but it was built beautiful creatures and the same applies to you.

So right now what consistent action can you start taking that will wake up your passions and bring you closer to your goals?

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

A Real Woman is ....... in control of her life.

How many women do you meet that are in control of their lives? and more importantly are you in control of your life?

To be in control you have to learn to take full ownership of yourself.   Out goes the complaining and blaming and in comes the awareness and responsibility.  This is quite a shift but having seen this in action it brings dramatic results.   It stops women trying to quick fix their lives with miracle diet, exercise and any other "too good to be true" life programs.

I have found a Method that works with clients, its the WHAT, WHY and HOW questions.  Asking these questions helps to bring the responsibility back onto them and also makes them so much more aware of their existing lifestyle.  

So WHAT could you do right now to be in control of your life?
WHY is this important to you?
and HOW are you going to do this?

I love being in control of my life and I love inspiring my clients to be in control theirs.

Have an exquisite day x

Monday, 24 May 2010

The Magic 3

If you asked me a few years back what my purpose and passions were I would have replied "shopping, a holiday in Vegas once a year and partying hard every weekend" and to be honest I thought these were pretty good passions and hey a purpose to shop - what more could a girl want?!

To be honest I was so wrapped up in my life I had no idea I could do anything else.  But then I discovered goal setting and a good friend and I started to sit down once a month and set out goals that we would like to achieve throughout the coming months.  I called it the "Magic 3" and I set 3 goals that I could do every single day.  When I started this process my first goals were
1. to get up
2. walk the dog for 15 mins
3. have one nutritious juice per day
and to be honest for the first 2 - 3 months this was enough for me, I was in an interesting place back then and if I achieved these then that day was a good day.

Now you know about momentum and once you start something it gets bigger and bigger, well this is what happened to me.  Every month I set more goals and I achieved more, I started to feel better in myself and more confident in my abilities.  At then end of each month I always reviewed my goals and celebrated what I achieved.

Goals are great and they get you to focus on your life.   But when you discover your passions, wow then the magic happens!! Intwining your goals with your passions does certainly lead to a spectacular life.  When you are browsing on Amazon pick up this great book.... The Passion Test .

From monthly goals to yearly goals - I enjoy setting them all and I have found that my focus and clarity has become clearer and clearer.  It hasnt all been plan sailing, it is hard work and you need to commit.  But these are your goals and your passions so make them fun and interesting.  Im very visual and enjoy spending time once a month decorating my monthly goal board - I add my visions onto my boards and surround them with my passions.

So fast forward to today....  I rise with the sun, I enjoy walking and the gym every morning, I practice gratitude daily, I love with all my heart, I eat nutritious foods every day and I am excited to live my passions, I adore my work and I am writing my first book.   I live to be inspired and I live to inspire others.  I have found my greater purpose in life and I am committed to living it full out each and every single day.

So why not try the "Magic 3" you never know where it may lead you..............

Sunday, 23 May 2010

A Beautiful Love Affair

I am having the most beautiful love affair.... its exquisite, its intriguing, its spell bounding and its with ME! How exciting to have a permanent love affair with yourself.  To fall in love with who you really are.  To cherish, adore and take such beautiful care of yourself.  The possibilities are endless and your potential will be magnificent.  There is no doubt, enter this love affair you will feel on top of this wonderful world.

Beautiful creatures, its hasn't always been this way with myself.   Throughout my years I have struggled, hated and even despised myself.  My self destruct button was pressed so many times the writing on it wore away.  But I made a vow to myself 2 years ago that enough was enough.   I pledged that I would do everything in my power and knowledge to learn how to fall in love with who I really am.

It has certainly been an interesting journey, a journey that I am proud to still be on now and will be forever more.  It has taught me many wonderful secrets and I have discovered many practical philosophies that have brought me here to you right now.

So today I would like to share my new adventure with your beautiful selves.  I have a relationship with food (don't most women?!)  So I decided that rather than look at food as my enemy I would look at food differently and learn and discover how to play and explore with different ways to nourish myself and my body.  This has led me to discover juicing, green smoothies, the raw food movement and detoxing.  A wonderful woman in Canada Tera Warner runs a stunning company called The Raw Divas and I magically stumbled upon her website at the beginning of the year and walked into another way of life!  I tried her 7 day detox and loved it and now I am excitedly embarking on a 6 week detox!

I am honored to give my body this gift, a gift of such love and appreciation.  My kitchen is transformed,  my mind is ready, I am committed to a new exciting way to live, my skin is already glowing and I full of anticipation and childlike energy.   It would be my honor to update you regularly to let you know how I get on.

So my question to you beautiful creatures is "What are you doing to express your love for your body and life right now."  Please remember and believe that you deserve nothing less than the absolute best and it all starts with what you are willing to do and give to yourself.

If you cant have a beautiful love affair with yourself then who can you have a beautiful love affair with?

Feeling the love and joy xxxx

Saturday, 22 May 2010


Life is all about giving, its makes us better people, its makes happier people.  When you go through your day today how many people do you encounter that give a friendly smile or a helping hand? and if you dont meet many people that do this why not start with yourself, smile, help someone out, if nothing else it will make you feel great.

From smiling and helping to compliments.  Giving someone a random compliment really can make their day.  Try it and see what happens.  I love nothing more than when I see a beautifully dressed woman to go up to her and tell her how lovely she looks.  We tend to be so insulated in our own little worlds that something as easy as this just breaks us out and gets us to interact with others.   Through my research I believe that is one of the main reasons we are all here on planet earth - to interact with each other (on a harmonious basis of course!).

Now from giving compliments to receiving compliments.  Here's the biggie!!! When someone offers you a compliment what do you do?  Do you receive it graciously and accept it with goodness that it was offered or do you rebuff the compliment and not allow yourself to receive it?

Me - You look great today, wow, that dress really suits your body, you look beautiful
Friend - What this old thing - you are joking aren't you, its really old and it makes my hips look big....
Me - wow, you just threw that compliment back in my face.....

Women are so busy putting themselves down that when a beautiful compliment comes their way they totally miss it.  I feel so strongly about this, we as women need to assert our self worth and assert it powerfully.  When someone takes the time and effort to offer you a compliment PLEASE take it and say THANK YOU.  It is so very rude to unaccept and disagree with the person that has handed you the compliment.  No wonder there are so many women out there that complain that their partners never give them compliments.  If we do not accept the compliments when they arrive then why should anyone carry on giving them?

PS..... You look BEAUTIFUL today xxxxxx

Friday, 21 May 2010

Practical philosophy on thoughts.

Words we are surrounded by them, they are in our heads, they come out of our mouths we listen to them and we read them.  Words lead into thoughts and thoughts lead into actions.  How aware are you of the words you say to yourself on a daily basis?  Are you in control of your thoughts or are your thoughts in control of you?

The average person has over 50,000 thoughts a day and guess what up to 80% of these thoughts are negative and non serving!  So the first step we need to take is to become aware of our thoughts and the words we say to ourselves daily.  Whether or not you believe me YOU are in control of your thoughts.  Sometimes it doesn't feel like this but with a little practice everyday you can gain back the control over your mind and how it works.   Now personally I'm liking this,  it gives back the control to me and as a real woman when I'm in control of my life I can create the life I desire.

What I normally advise my lovely clients to do is to firstly become aware of the thoughts that enter their minds then to watch where they go and to see how fast their thought gather momentum.    It is well known that  what we think we will attract and I for one want to attract spectacular thoughts and actions into my life.

Here's an example....
Lets say you've just got out of bed, you feeling great, refreshed and ready for the day.   Then you catch your reflection in the mirror and a zillion thoughts just start flying through your mind about how big you look today, how wobbly your arms look and so on and so on.

So option one is to let those thoughts take hold of you and rest assured your subconscious mind (that's the part of the mind that rules us) will find everything in its power to validate your initial thought - your thoughts will race off and in no time at all you will be feeling like crap completely forgetting how wonderful you felt when you emerged from you bed only 5 minutes ago and you and I can both guess how your day will pan out from here.

Option two is you watch that initial thought enter your head, acknowledge it and don't entertain the thought anymore wise in the knowledge that before you looked in the mirror you did feel great.  Now this is where you need your full awareness and a little discipline.    Don't be scared of the word discipline its meaning is to teach - so you are teaching yourself new habits, habits that are going to serve you and make you feel great.

Option two is just another way to approach your thoughts and at first you may think "this is rubbish, I'm not doing this, its not going to work" and that's ok and remember you will be back to option one again.  I know which choice I prefer.

So today's practical philosophy is all about starting to become aware of your thoughts.  With practice you will be in control of those naughty and negative thoughts and in time you can turn them into beautiful and positive thoughts.  The process is simple but does require work on your part.   I personally have trained myself over the past 2 years to change my thought process and the results have just been amazing, sometimes I fall and let those negative thoughts take over me but I catch myself much quicker nowadays.

Part of being a real woman, being in love with myself is all about noticing and being in control of my thoughts.  Words and thoughts in your conscious and more importantly your subconscious mind lead to actions.  So be aware of your thoughts today - they are powerful things - use them wisely. x

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Byron Katie - Loving What Is.

This woman is amazing.  A truly life changing book for me.  Read, expand your mind and enjoy life so much more beautiful creatures.Loving What is: How Four Questions Can Change Your Life


Are you happy or are you waiting to be happy?  You know the dilemma.... Ill be happy when Ive lost X amount of pounds, Ill be happy when my tummy is flatter, Ill be happy when I have the perfect partner.

So many women put off their happiness for another time, another place far off in the future when all we have is the present.  This moment right now is all we ever have and I for one choose to live in the present and give all my energies to this very moment, I will never have that future moment as when that future moment comes it will be the present.  Ah!! have I confused you... read on beautiful creatures...

A real woman knows that life is all about choices and to be more explicit her choices.  Whatever and however she is at this very moment she has created that through her  own choices.   When we acknowledge this simple fact our personal power increases amazingly, this is learning acceptance, true acceptance of who and what we really are and then and only then we can take full responsibility for who and what we really are.

In my experience with working with women when they reach their "target" weight, or they have run a marathon or expanded their business their happiness doesn't become greater when they reach their goal, their happiness increases because they are working towards a goal - knowing that they are doing their best they can every single day.

This then leads me on to one of my favorite mantras...  "I am doing the best I can do at this very moment with the resources that I have".

So, here's the question.... Are you doing the best you can with your life and your body right now this very present moment?  When you absorb yourself into this mantra you cannot help but feel happier knowing that you are doing your utmost to take great care of yourself.   This is a process beautiful creatures, you need you to be gentle on yourselves, be kind, be caring - a new concept maybe some and this may feel strange at first but go with it for it will take you far.

So coming back to are you happy?   My practical philosophy for today is.. When you are doing the best you can do at any given moment with the resources that are available to you, you can learn to stop being so harsh to yourself and realize that you are doing a great job with your life and hey maybe, just maybe you can be happy right now!

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

A real woman is hard to find....

Or is she?  Beautiful creatures we are all real women deep inside and what happens deep inside is what really matters.  Its just that with our busy lives and schedules we have forgotten how to be a real woman.   Believe me, she is in there and she is passionate about being let out.

A real woman has inner strength, beautiful confidence and an air of exquisite sensuality that radiates from her.  Do you recognize any of these qualities in yourself?  

Inner Strength.
I have never met a woman who doesn't possess inner strength, maybe its something that women are born with but certainly through life we encounter so many character building experiences that we cannot help but build our inner strength from our first love, to our first fall out, new career, marriage, divorce, babies ... there is so much!  What tends to happen more is that we don't believe that we have the strength, we tend to focus on our failings and not our achievements and boy do we as women have many achievements.   Inner strength comes from our spirit, our passions, our beliefs and our knowledge. A real tip for you beautiful creatures... whatever you focus on you will attract into your mind and into your life.  So from today spend more time focusing on the positives and minimise your time spent on the negatives.

Beautiful confidence.
You notice women that have beautiful confidence, they radiate it from within and they are a joy to be around.  This type of confidence comes with practice, its a discipline and its something that all of us can learn.  I understand that life and events can sometimes knock our confidence and as women we are born nurturers and its only natural for us to focus on everyone elses needs but this inevitably doesn't help us or our confidence.  We need me time and this is neither self indulgent nor selfish it makes perfect sense. There many ways we can increase our self confidence.  One of the major ways to increase our self confidence is acceptance, full acceptance of who and what we are right here, right now.  We are a product of our own creation and learning to fully accept this in the moment and then committing to ourselves that we are doing the best we can we the resources we have can have a tremendous impact on our self confidence.  Just let this one sink in and sit with this idea for a while.

Inner sensuality.
Wow!! now here's the juicy one.  Whether or not you believe me we have innate sensual and feminine powers that are waiting to be discovered, this is what being a woman is all about.   This is not something that we are taught in schools and its not really something that we as women talk about as we tend to bond with our sisters more through our faults than our uniqueness and feminine skills.  Discovering your inner sensuality is a journey and its all about enjoying your body, learning the skill of flirting and really getting into touch with your feminine side.   Here's the science bit... when we harness this side of ourselves our production of the hormone oxytocin increases and this is a good thing as this is our feel good hormone and when we are happy everyone is happy!  So some ideas for you to try from today.... get a manicure/pedicure, sing out loud, play with a baby, spend time outdoors in the sun, help a friend out in need or shop for some sexy lingerie.

Remember you a real woman, you may not know that you are right now, but with my practical philosophies and secrets you will be able to find her.
Have an exquisite day x