Saturday, 5 June 2010

Do you know how to take great care of yourself?

Women are interesting creatures.  Full of emotions, thoughts and feelings and sometimes all of these can get a little too much for any of us.

I'm all about empowering and inspiring women to take great care of themselves and this is an ongoing journey that needs our full attention and focus.  After all, what we focus on is what we will achieve.  So starting to become aware of what we focus on is the first step to creating our most wonderful desires.

I just popped into my local Starbucks this morning and started chatting to one of the lovely girls behind the counter, she was upset about her life and just wanted to feel great about herself.  She didn't know how to go about it and said she was fed up of her feelings of jealousy and insecurity especially when she has a boyfriend.  These feelings were ruling her life and they were making her feel very unhappy.

After talking to her very briefly we discovered that she really did not like herself and I asked her where this belief came from, she looked at me quite quizzically but I carried on and explained that her beliefs have stemmed from her thoughts and her thoughts were just things and she could (if she wanted to) with focus and determination change her thoughts and therefore change her beliefs about herself.  No amount of new clothes, a great hair cut or pretty shiny things will ever make this woman feel good.  She has to take the time to delve in deep into her mind and start to question why she thinks this way about herself and where has this got her.

I would hazard a guess that there are alot of women out in this world that do not really like themselves and have no idea how to go about changing this.  From my own personal and working experiences I know that for deep everlasting change women have to start in their minds.  They have to start focusing on what and how they are thinking about and learn to direct these thoughts with a little bit more intelligence.  We are creators of our own destinies and it all starts with our thoughts.

So over the weekend have a good look at your thoughts and your belief structures that you have made up about yourself.  Are they serving you well or are they bringing you down.  When you realize that you have all the power you will ever need to change your wonderful self then the magic happens.

1 comment:

  1. Star, your post is beautiful. The girl in Starbucks has experienced something that could really turn things around for her. It is so refreshing to hear about women helping each other and sharing ideas, strategies and love to help make the relevant changes to improve our lives.
    Thanks for doing what you do with such love and commitment!
