Friday, 11 June 2010

The Pink Party just cant help but be magnificent!

I'm excited, I'm very excited!! My company Cardiostriptease is holding its 4th Pink Party next week.  It is 7 days till this extravaganza of an evening.  We have 11 sexy, fun and spectacular acts performing, all unique and completely individual, just the way I like it.

3 years ago the idea for the Pink Party was born.  My dear dear friend Jo Russell was living with terminal cancer and I thought it would be a great idea to raise some for her by putting on a little soiree.  The first event was held in a small room and we had pink cupcakes, champagne, 10 pole dancers from Cardiostriptease, teachers and students and 40 excited guests!! It was an amazing success and we raised lots of money for Jo xx   A year later we moved to a larger venue, we found some amazing performers to add their sparkle to the proceedings, more guests attended and the event became bigger and bigger.  It was at this point that the Pink Party transformed from being a pole dancing event to a wonderful unique variety evening showcasing some of the most amazing talent you will ever see in one place.  From pole, to burlesque to fire, to real live snakes, male belly dancing, hula hooping and slick streetdance the Pink Party has it all.

What I personally love about all our performers is that they are unique and individual.  They all have their own sense of style and a certain dynamic purpose about them.  They are excellent at what they do and are captivating to watch.  I am one proud woman to be involved performing alongside them.

My gorgeous friend Jo came last November to watch our show and having her their in the audience always makes the evening very special.  Jo passed away this year in March leaving a everlasting impression on me.  She is a truly amazing woman and she inspired me to reach for my wildest dreams and desires.  She is always in heart and soul and we are proud to run all our events in memory of Miss Jo Russell.  Jo has a son and he is called Josh.  Josh is 19 and he is at university.  After have several discussions at the Cardiostriptease office we all decided that we would love proceeds to now go towards sponsoring Josh through his time at university.

The Pink Party cant help but be magnificent, it is surrounded by love and inspiration.  I will always remember you Jo and I dedicate The Pink Party to you xxxxxx

Details of our next Pink Party

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