Monday, 14 June 2010

Inspiration and Passion

I have so many subjects that I love to talk about and so many that I would adore to write about but sometimes my inspiration is just not there and I have to trust that it will return to me when the time is right!  This evening I spent the evening with a gorgeous girlfriend and we sat in on an evening with Jo Malone.  Somebody in the audience asked Jo "how do you find your inspiration?"  to which Jo replied.. "hang around with inspiring people"!!!  and boom!!! at that moment my inspiration returned!!  Spending the evening away from my office with like minded people ignited my spark again!

I believe that we are all creative and inspirational people and that there is something much bigger than us that surrounds us, envelopes us and connects us all.  Call it spirit, god, goddess, source, energy, call it what you want but its there and its running through all of us.  I believe that we are spiritual beings on a human journey and this energy courses through our bodies and its our job to release it and use it wisely.

We are all unique and all completely individual and therefore we all have unique talents that we can offer the world.  There is no two people alike and therefore everyone has something different to offer.  When you grasp the enormity of this, doesn't this idea make you feel just wondrous, magnificent and very powerful!  

I encourage all my clients to work on discovering their passions.  Here is my secret key to discovering your passions.  

Question 1.  What would you do if you knew that you couldn't fail?
Question 2.  What would you choose to do a daily basis even if you knew you wasn't going to get paid?
Question 3.  What would make you leap out of bed every single day with a smile on your face?

These questions will need some thought and some action and you will need to answer these questions every 3 - 6 months and the answers may change but what you will find is that you start to become closer to living and believing in your passions.

When you discover your passion, you want to live it, breath it and absorb it and this makes you one happy being!!!  Remember like attracts like and this is why we are here on this planet earth to discover our passion and to live it full out, to inspire ourselves and to inspire others.

Now go discover....... Have fun exploring your passions and let me know how you get on xxx

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