Tuesday, 8 June 2010

I can make you look 1 - 2 dress sizes smaller in 5 mins.

Every morning in the gym it always amazes me how many people workout with such terrible postures - shoulders hunched, upper back rounded, waistlines slumped, heads down.  Its almost as if these people have no respect for their bodies and themselves.  In fact these people are so disassociated with their bodies, there is no mind/body connection whatsoever.  To get ultimate results from any exercise program we have got to be what we want to do.  What I mean by this is we have to engage our minds to control our bodies and be thoughtful with every exercise we perform.  Its no good working super hard on the treadmill or with weights if your posture is just terrible - you are only ingraining these bad postural habits even more and people wonder why they have bad backs!!

Ive been teaching Pilates now for over 12 years and the first principle I address with any of my clients is how they hold themselves.  We've all been told to stand up straight, shoulders back, stomach in - but that just doesn't work - we are not in the army, we need subtle tips to align and hold our bodies throughout our day.  I can make all my clients drop 1 - 2 dress sizes within 5 mins!  Now that's pretty spectacular, well it would be if the client takes on board what I suggest and then works with this on a daily basis.  What we need to do is have awareness of how we hold ourselves all the time.  This takes discipline and effort but the rewards are magnificent.  Clients walk taller, they have less aches and pains and their movement quality takes on a grace and elegance that wasn't there before.

So here are my quick postural daily tips.....

1. When you are standing, feel your feet ground into the floor so you have balance and stability, focus on your spine and imagine your spine becoming longer from the pelvis all the way up to the crown of your head. Focus your eyes directly ahead of you.
2. Go find your pelvic floor and get used to connecting with this fabulous muscle, gently draw upwards from between your legs and concentrate on holding this gently.
3.Feel your waistlines lengthen and become aware of this feeling.  Try to maintain this for as long as you can and remember to breath!

If you feel any tension start to creep in, relax, take a breath and try again.  If you just start to work with these 3 tips on a daily basis you are on your way to looking leaner, more elegant and moving more gracefully.  Practice, practice, practice xxx

I will post a video on this shortly x

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