We live in a patriarchal society and the energy surrounding this is undoubtedly male - its all about drive, focus, discipline and purpose. It is goal oriented, always looking for the best strategy to obtain the desired result. We have lived this way for many, many years and as women we have got wrapped up in this too always planning, organizing, leading and taking control. We live in a society where pursuing our deadlines and achieving defines our success. But this way of living is denying our natural state of being and feeling. We are so busy planning with our minds that we are ignoring our emotions and our bodies. We are walking around out of touch with who we really are.
Now compare the male energy with the female energy, the energy beautiful creatures that we were born with and what makes us essentially a woman. Female energy is open, its sensual, it has an exquisite life force of its own, its all about nurturing, protecting and enduring. It is sustained by colour, sound, touch, smell and most importantly intuition. Female energy is all about love, it longs to feel and experience love through everything and everyone. Its creative, it flows, its just all woman.
Every man and woman has both female and male energies that flow through them and it is all about finding the exquisite balance that works for you. I myself for many years have been totally male energy driven in my life and my business, always doing and achieving and striving for success. By teaching sensual dance I have been aware of my sensual side but only recently have I taken this to another level and started to really utilize my female energies in everything else I do.
It is an interesting journey, out goes the to do lists and the structure and the goals in exchange I am exploring my passions and what excites me on a daily basis, I am taking time to nurture and love myself like I have never done before, I listen to my body and rest when I need to rest, I am calm and peaceful, I give myself time to be quiet so my creative juices can flow. I am enjoying the ride, the flow, the journey, I trust that there is something much bigger than me that will take care of me and will show me where I need to go. I am learning to let go, its scary, its exciting and its me xxxx
As always, beautiful creatures my posts are here to bring you into awareness, to wake you up from where you are and to let you know that there is so much more for us if we just open our minds and our hearts. So just start to notice where your energies lie - are you more male orientated or are you working with your female energies. Enjoy and have fun with this xxxx